21, 2011, the law affords a presumption of immunity in civil and criminal actions to individuals who use deadly force in self-defense against persons unlawfully or forcibly entering their home, motor vehicle, or place of business. The law will always depend on the state in which you live, which is why it is vital to know and understand the self-defense laws in your area. In December 2011, Wisconsin enacted 2011 Wisconsin Act 94, known as the castle doctrine law. Most states have some variation of the Castle Doctrine in their laws. Castle Doctrine is the legal theory that may allow residents or occupants of a home to use deadly force to defend against violent home invaders. Jamison told CNN’s Lucy Kafanov, stand your ground most likely wouldn’t apply and instead, pointed to the castle. The doctrine is an offshoot of self-defense and eliminates the requirement to retreat. In Yarl’s case, Kansas City criminal defense attorney Kevin L. Compete with your friends for kingship - Get crowned for dominating other players and earn the right to manage the Kingdom! (WiiWare™ version) The Castle Doctrine stems from old English Common Law that holds that your home is your castle and that you have a right to defend your castle. A castle doctrine is a self-defense law that states that a persons home (sometimes also a place of work or vehicle) is a place that grants one protection.4 Player jump-in cooperative gameplay - Defend your Castle with up to 3 pals! (WiiWare™ version).Defend Your Castle has been re-created from the ground up and utilizes the unique capabilities of the Wii, as well as the iPad and iPhone touch-screen. The 'Castle Doctrine' is a law in both Georgia and Alabama that gives homeowners the right to defend themselves if an intruder enters the property of their home. state level to expand the Castle Doctrine.2 These new laws ex- tend the right to self-defense, with no duty to retreat, to places outside the home such as a.